Tuesday Nights

CCF Weekly Gathering Info
Tuesday Nights
@ City Station
2115 Maple St.
Carrollton GA
Worship is a vital part of CCF! We believe that worship unites our students and unifies our hearts so that God can work through us! So many amazing worship leaders have come through CCF, check out our playlist of songs that we love to sing and get ready to worship with us!
We love to encourage and build up our students through our messages on Tuesday Nights! We are blessed to have our student pastor lead us in God’s Word every week and have multiple speakers come and visit us each semester.
CCF believes that community is the soil which determines how fast and how deep we become like Jesus Christ. Community is one of the major emphasis we focus on at CCF and we set up our Tuesday nights. We believe we are family and that God has made us to be in community with other believers, but all are welcome to be apart of CCF!